配资的保证金安全 Yellow River Culture Exhibition opens in Paris

配资的保证金安全 Yellow River Culture Exhibition opens in Paris

发布日期:2024-07-23 12:56    点击次数:155

配资的保证金安全 Yellow River Culture Exhibition opens in Paris

The Yellow River Culture Exhibition, jointly organized by the China Public Relations Association and the Information Office of Shandong Provincial People's Government, made its grand debut at the Foire de Paris (Paris Fair) 2024 on May 1.

The exhibition, which has garnered significant attention from the international community,showcases the progress of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese nation. Through video broadcasts, physical displays, and colorful activities, the exhibition comprehensively presents these achievements.

With a focus on regional branding, international expression, and digital presentation, the exhibition features bilingual documentaries and short videos in Chinese and French, highlighting the natural, cultural, and historical beauty of the Yellow River. The videos include close-up shots and innovative images created using AI technology.

In terms of design and construction, the Yellow River Culture Exhibition is characterized by innovation and uniqueness. A "dragon" crafted by artisans from Weifang, Shandong, is suspended above, complementing the immersive "Yellow River Coming from the Sky" LED screen. This symbolizes Shandong's commitment to leading the way in promoting the high-quality development of the Yellow River basin.

Dedicated to establishing the regional public brand, Shandong also showcased numerous high-quality local products at the exhibition, enticing visitors to pause and capture the moment.

The booth of the Yellow River Culture Exhibitionat the Foire de Paris (Paris Fair) 2024.[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The unique construction and design of the Yellow River Culture Exhibition.[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]




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